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A Small Promise

I promise myself that every morning before work I will do:
the sun salutation twice
10 pushups
10 myotic crunches
one normal and two sideways planks, each held for 30 seconds
2 torso twists, 30 seconds
10 squats
20 lunges

Because I am happier when I get at least a little exercise, and little changes to lifestyle over time are the way to make lasting change.

As an update, it’s been about two weeks since I put this up and I’ve been keeping up with my habit every day. I let it slide for two days when I was camping, it would have been difficult, and I was getting a lot of exercise anyway. That doesn’t seem to have hurt the habit-forming juju.

It’s been a month. I’ve missed my morning exercise only twice, once each weekend when my lack of a formal morning routine made me forget to do it. Forces of habit are so powerful. And every day I missed it I didn’t feel as good during the day. Exercising in the morning really does make a difference.

I think I have this ingrained. I’m going to move on to developing another habit. Maybe write down the 3 most important things I need to do at the beginning of each day.

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