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Complexity dissipates in my life & becomes the blessing of simplicity.


Four steps to achievement:

Plan purposefully.

Prepare prayerfully.

Proceed positively.

Pursue persistently.
Love this quote by William Arthur Ward


Too much to do - you say, that’s okay tomorrow’s another day.

Or wait a moment what happened to today?


How can you love the amount of time in a day and know your valued areas

receive the awesome attention you would like?

Add a thought, activity or a refreshing feeling which helps you do, be , have what you need If this thread gets too long, no worries… there’s always room for you here or on pages to follow(: 

Lets further inspire ourselves and one anotherdiary_em_hart.gif


Image result for mindfulness affirmation pics




  →  I am eager to meet all challenges with pleasure

  →   Today is full of Miracles!

  →   I Am finding something absolutely magnificent in everything I got going on

→As never before I allow what has never been accomplished in a 24 hour stretch of time.

Self care,  home care and all business related areas have refreshing energized miraculous momentum.

All of my results today astound me in the most satisfying ways.7532448786_eab2eec2ec_k.jpg5d6de0528b68ca7573bb85368fb82863--therapy-quotes-art-therapy.jpg









 Note to self:return to thread & play sone more


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new★★Joyful♡-Discipline {page one}&FocusVISIONBOARD ->ease to life☑

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  My workload is well organized and fun to complete.


    I plan my day. I work my plan. I make positive changes as needed.


    I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want.

I Am living a Divine plan




My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


I Am allowing myself to Be whatever I enjoy feeling. I do this simply and powerfully by doing more of what works in my life...


My confidence and competence are expanding massively.

★I feel more alert, more refreshed, more calm,complete,focused,strong and healthy.★I Am filled with energy to do all the daily activities of my life...and then some.★Every cell in my body vibrates with healthy rested enjoyable focused delightful energy★I Am open to the spirit of life, which carries me beyond my old-limits...to a High Creative Space.★ I choose the peace that surpasses all understanding.★I know my truth. I speak and act from my heart-place.I feel my center and can move through any and all daily life with ease★Even now, I Am free! I Am free of cares as I once referred to them.★I take positive personal ACTion to REALize my own blessed dreams, desires and potential.★It has been said:inspired action moves us to complete the act of creation.I stay completely focused and connected to my deepest desires which are reflected in the daily actions I take

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


I love this!

       I can do this now.

             Now I have a better plan.

             I am good at this.





source Chuck Britt MA LMFT and Connie Bonnie- Britt MA LMFT


Law Of Action

The Law of Action must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.


The Law of action states that you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do.


Unless you take actions that are in harmony with your thoughts and dreams and proceed in an orderly fashion towards what you want to accomplish, there will be absolutely no foreseeable results. 


It is here with the law of action that most people falter when pursuing success.  It could be their fears or laziness that get in the way. 


You can also relate this law to that of the law of cause and effect. 

to read more Law Of Action

binaural music by 528 Universe


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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