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Autumn'20★★NEWEST ★★ Household -Afformations, Affirmations, Intentions-Oh My- to Oh Yeah!


Wouldn't it be nice if all things you needed to do/had to take of or better get done... turned into more flowing ease energy.this-is-a-year-of-abundance-and-joy-affirmations-for-your-new-years-resolutions-new-year-goals-683x1024.jpg

This thread is about the energy of desire, playfulness, creativity, flow & completion for any and all household tasks... no matter how busy you are ... and/or just don't (currently) feel like it(:Why-do-I-expect.jpgI-am-aligned-with-my-highest-self-and-i-achieve-my-goals-with-ease-affirmations-for-your-new-years-resolutions-new-year-goals-683x1024.jpg

Let's add to this thread and allow the energy

we love to getting things the way we love them!






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love this!!!! ->

We are kept from our goal, not by a clear path but by a clear path to a lesser goal.” -Robert Brault


I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan

An Afformation is an affirmation with a neat little twist that makes a huge difference. Put very simply an Afformation is the question form of an affirmation. Noah St. John is the master mind behind this new way creating. Noah figured out the human mind is always asking and searching for the answers to questions. However, a lot of us spend way too much of our time asking self defeating questions.


Why is everyday a FUN day?

Why do I expect something great to happen today?

Why do I know exactly what I want?

Why do I feel so blessed?

Why are my thoughts clear and focused?

Why am I so great at making decisions?

Why am I grateful for each experience in my life?

Why am I a successful in all that I do?

Why do I believe in me?

Why do I always see the positive in all situations?

Why am I so excited to wake up every morning?

Why do I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want?

Why am I whole,complete  and fulfilled by life?

✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰



Why does money love being with me?

Why do I always make such great financial decisions?

 Why does money come to me effortlessly? 

Why am I abundantly grateful for all of my blessings?


 Why do I have the perfect partner for me?

Why do I radiate love and happiness?

 Why am I so appreciative and grateful for my family and friends?



Why am I a spiritual being enjoying a physical experience?

 Why do I create heaven here on earth? 

Why do I always find time in my day to stop and appreciate the world that surrounds me?

Why am I kind to others?

 Why do I always find time in my day to stop and appreciate the world that surrounds me?


I Am living a Divine plan




Why do I always make such great financial decisions?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why am I always in the stream of well-being?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I love life?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I now release all that doesn’t serve me?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I accept this moment as if I chose it – because I did?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I choose to focus on the positive attributes of myself and others?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I love, accept and appreciate myself for who I am?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I accept people for who they are?
Why do I always see the good in others?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why am I whole and healed?
 Why do I feel so blessed?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why am I getting wealthier each and every day?

I Am living a Divine plan

Why do I always do the exact right thing to get exactly body I want?

Why do I love my body?

. Why do I always wake up refreshed?
 Why do I feel so good that I jump out of bed every morning?
 Why do I love to do strength training 3-4 times every week?
Why do I put my health first?
Why do I wake up every morning and exercise?
Why do I have so much energy?
 Why do I have amazing abs?

I Am living a Divine plan

I now feel all the spaciousness I desire for the life I love so much!

I Am living a Divine plan

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