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★★ NEWEST★★unit 1- Creating Ease & Optimum Life

got tired of saying page #'s -so calling these units...

It also specifies-that each thread-gradually expects progression(:


“The first thing Ito do when I wake up every day, is to ask myself “What kind of day would I like to have today?”





On a regular basis I'm sure most of us are finding, creating, desiring, enjoying make time for ... ease in everyday life.

Why would we want it any other way?(:

Take a moment to jot something down that-makes your life work better. 

It doesn't matter how basic or common sense-something appears/sounds.

The goal is to reinforce what works, and to create space for more of what you need, love and value!

much love and respect, selfcare


I Am living a Divine plan


(why? It is easier to get out everything you are feeling/thinking than have it resurface as something that is an 'incomplete' or 'loose end'

Then a master list will be current and comprehensive on all levels that matter.

Then -with a little... a really just a little time... passing -it is clear what you want/need/will tend to...and what steps need  your attention to help bring it about.


I Am living a Divine plan

“When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love.”— Thich Nhat Hanh





This world crisis, unlike anything in living memory, is having a riveting effect on us. When the question is living or dying, our survival instinct will not allow us to look away too readily. Yet the question is not only about the survival of our body: it also raises the issue of survival of our soul, and whether we actually have one. Joseph Naft

read more-LINK

These times also present us with an inner opportunity. That abundance of energy generated in us by the pressures of the moment can be put to positive use inwardly with important results. Inner work undertaken at difficult moments is that much more profitable, in part because it takes more than the usual amount of will just to be somewhat centered and present.Joseph Naft

read more-LINK


Nourish Positive Emotions


It is a basic principle of spiritual life that we learn the deepest things in unknown territory. Often it is when we feel most confused inwardly and are in the midst of our greatest difficulties that something new will open. ~Jack Kornfeld


Spiritual Practices During Pandemic


Prayer for a Month of Blessings
"May [this month]
be a month of blessings:
blessings of goodness,
blessings of joy,
peace and kindness,
friendship and love,
creativity, strength,
fulfilling work
and dignity,
satisfaction, success,
and sustenance,
physical health
and radiance.
May truth and justice
guide our acts,
and compassion
temper our lives
that we may blossom
as we age
and become
our sweetest selves.
May it be so."
— Marcia Falk in A Book of Blessings


Never minimize the value of self talk.As affirmations become a greater greater part of your life, expect greater greater clarity, resourcefulness and ease in being/doing.



I Am the ease I like to experience.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ When I say YES to myself and my needs, my energy always increases and I feel wonderful.

I accomplish so much more in less time and with more completeness, efficiency and creativity ♥







We love quotes for a reason. They snap us into the reality that works for our soul!(:

much respect, selfcare



Image result for victoria erickson quote pics selfcare







I Am living a Divine plan

328669b3.gifCaNrp2GWQAIMYVk.jpg:largeAnd if a negative thought will enter, I will say cancel, and it will be gone


I choose to identify myself with power, love, beauty, peace and happiness. Each realization of my creative potential instills a knowing within me of the Infinite power available to me. I allow myself to dwell upon love and beauty, discerning it through all events and people as a by-product of the expression of God through all. I experience the flow of peace and happiness that results from this state of heart and mind. I identify with, and am receptive to, abundance and success through my creative expression./ author Carmien Owen KnowTheFlow.com



I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan

Image result for Sacred Productivity pic quotes

Today I Am free of cares as I once referred to them

ღI am exactly where I want to be

to continue

where I feel

I truly


enjoying going

Enjoying This Day

the day as fun-filled

and full of growth and

is a conscious choice


ღMy energetic field fills up with feelings I like,

and emotional states I enjoy.

I embody the fullness of my life and acknowledge the blessings here for me.

I understand that love underlies all challenges and all interactions

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷI’m enjoying the flow of doing what is right for me


I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan

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