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new★★ ROCKS? page 1 {& happy, healthy, wealthy -game}

“To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?” -Katharine Graham (born in 1917)

HAPPY HEALTHY WEALTHY-accountabilityHappy goals-Healthy goals-Wealthy goals

Jim Bunch, an ultimate life coach who Kathy Pauuw  worked with in 2008, taught her  how to play the HappyHealthy-Wealthy game,

• Happy goals: These goals are related to relationships, hobbies, family and free time, personal growth, or areas of life that bring greater happiness and fulfillment. Focus is both on what you are doing and on who you are being in the process.

 • Healthy goals: These goals are related to diet, exercise, hydration, rest and rejuvenation, stress reduction, appearance, and physical, mental, and spiritual health.

 • Wealthy goals: These goals are related to income generation, investments/ leveraging your money, savings (college education, retirement, etc.), leaving a legacy through charitable giving or volunteer work, and creating an ideal lifestyle for yourself. Your wealthy goal is about what makes you feel wealthy (which may have nothing to do with money). Here’s how it works. You create happy, healthy, and wealthy goals or intentions for the next workday.to read Kathy's article in full-link 


example of today's healthy goals: related to diet, exercise, hydration, rest and rejuvenation, stress reduction, appearance, and physical, mental, and spiritual health.


PERSONAL– habits that keep me healthy and happy 

PEOPLE – activities that promote relationship with the people I love

PASSION – activities and experiences which enable me to enjoy life

PURPOSE – tasks that enable me to fulfill my purpose in life

PROJECTS – priority tasks that need to be finished this week
the PeacefulMom © 2009-2014 Kimberlee Stokes – ThePeacefulMom.com – All rights reserved. – The Peaceful Mom


Set Your Priorities
A philosophy professor stood before his class, with some items in front of him.
When class began,
wordlessly he picked up a large empty glass jar
and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top,
rocks about 5 centimeters (2 inches) in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They all agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them in to the jar.
He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The students laughed. He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed that yes, it was.

The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life. 
The rocks are the important things - your family, your spouse, your health, your children - anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. 
The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.
“If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks.
The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, the material things, you will never have room for the things that are truly most important.
Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life.
LDon’t ever take them for granted in any way. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party, and organize the closet.”

The moral, or lesson, of the story is: Take care of the rocks first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand.
by Author Unknown

When we allow our heartfelt priorities to get attention -our life is living only a heartfelt enjoyable life.

Share an affirmation which represents your energy of LIVING & loving in greater ways



Gratitude for it all is the foundational energy.

I trust in how we take care of ourselves because we truly desire  a sweet life. 




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In our lives- in my lil' household,  communication and planning around work schedule is a biggie.

By being clear with who is doing what and when, it cuts down on unnecessary talking and using up energy -that can be used in things beyond the

household management-business of living(:


  • Start decluttering where you are. Overwhelmed by all that you need to declutter? Start right where you are, and pick a few things that you don’t need or use, and put them in a bag or box to be donated or recycled. You’ve now started. Tomorrow, do it again.
  • ~
    Do your work with gratitude and compassion. Before you start, remember to be grateful for what you have, for being able to clean or declutter. Be grateful for the people you have in your life, and remember why you’re grateful for them. Then remember you’re cleaning out of compassion: for the people in your life, so that their day might be a bit better for having a clean counter or sink, for yourself, so that you might have a nice uncluttered space in which to read a good book. This is your intention, and it will help you remember to be mindful.
  • ~
    Pay attention to your thoughts, body, actions. Practice focusing your attention: on the rag, on the broom, on the dust. But also notice your thoughts: are you thinking about other things? Are you judging others? Are you wishing things were different? Are you angry? Don’t banish the thoughts, but notice them. Then return to the cleaning. Notice too as you clean your body, and your breathing. Notice everything about the moment, immerse yourself in the moment.
  • ~
    You are already there.


  • This is not a set of ideals to aspire to, a standard of perfection to achieve. 



My relationship is a top priority in my life


I respect and cherish my mate!

  • #1 Goal setting worksheet for couples
    Here’s the simple worksheet we use to plan goals. The worksheet is a few pages long because it provides space for us to document shared goals and individual goals.
    Goal Setting for Couples Worksheet
    Step 1
    Several dimensions of life are listed in the first column. For each dimension, brainstorm goals you would like to achieve. You’re brainstorming, so don’t place limits on the number or nature of the goals you list. Identify goals you’d like to target personally in the second column and goals you’d like to target as a couple in the third column.
    to read entire PDF

I look forward to cleaning,organizing and decorating my home because doing so adds to the environment I love so very much!

Blank (Customizable) Grocery Shopping List


02650ec212c85a5fc782462daa84c6d9.jpg00019004_88596.gifth?id=OIP.P_vE2OsDyg7jFnu_teGlRgEsCo&pid=15.1&P=0&w=293&h=16500019004_88596.gifwhats-your-system created by meditating mama


an old article I saved, and enjoy the energy of clearing, organizing & clearing out:

Does Your Creative Life Need a Spring Cleaning?

 The first step in my spring cleaning process is to reassess your space, your schedule, and patterns of mind to see what is supporting or not supporting your writing life.

Go and look at your writing space. What’s the state of it? Do you feel a sense of ease when you look at it? Is it crammed with stuff that belongs in other rooms of your house? If you live with other people, is this space known as your special writing area?

Have you even claimed some special place yet, or are you waiting for permission from someone else? If you’re struggling with this, see my post on claiming creative space.

Survey your space and make a quick list of what you feel needs your attention most. The questions below are not exhaustive, but offer a good place to start.

-Do you need to organize and sort your paper files?

-Would it be useful to create an index for your piles of journals?

-Are there notes from conferences and workshops that need to be reviewed and filed?

-Are there writing exercises that could be useful to you if they were typed up?

-When was the last time you did a backup of your computer files? Do you need to delete or add programs?

-Do you need to release some writing books? Welcome others?

-Do you need to physically clean your computer?

-Do you have visible reminders of your writing accomplishments? Is it time to take some down and put up new ones?

-Do you have too much or too little of something in your space?

-Do you need more or less shelf space?

-Are there big physical jobs you’d like to do (i.e. paint)?

Once you have your list you can break each item down into specific tasks.

It’s important to not get overwhelmed during spring cleaning. Many people decide they will devote a day to a spring cleaning project and then realize that they’re cranky after two hours and that the task requires at least two days. Start small and reward yourself often. Why not take from now until the official start of summer to spring clean? You could choose one project each week. I suggest working in 15-30 minute intervals so there’s less chance of getting frustrated and overwhelmed. I enjoy using an online stopwatch.

What are you reassessing right now in support of your writing life?

 While I was enjoying the article above, I noticed other wonderful inspirational pieces were on that site . Hope you enjoy too



I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan

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