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Character Traits: A Sense of Right and Wrong

From an article:
To be of good character is a lofty goal, but how do you define good character? Obviously there is no universally accepted answer to this question. Character traits are defined by people differently based on their individual, cultural, social and familial beliefs. Our character is comprised of our moral and ethical decisions and behavior, based on our beliefs and values. Our values are determined by our character.
Our feelings are determined by our thoughts, our thoughts are determined by our beliefs. When, where and how is character developed? Character development begins in early childhood. In those first years of life we are taught right from wrong, to feel empathy for others who are suffering and to feel guilt when we do something wrong or hurt others. We also develop our values during those early years.
A child learns to value behaviors that are believed to be held in high regard by others around him or her. Those behaviors and beliefs that are thought to please others are repeated, and become an intricate part of who we are. We determine which beliefs and values are acceptable by mimicking the behavior and following the thinking of those who influence us. These are the outward manifestations and processes of their values and beliefs.
Suppose you developed character traits that you no longer want to uphold? People who grew up in families and environments that upheld values to which we no longer choose to adhere may decide to adopt a new set of values. This is not easily done, as it requires a new way of thinking and changing the old beliefs that are not in line with the new value system one wants to implement.
In order to do this, we must examine our current ways of thinking and our current belief system, then make the necessary changes.
Changing Character Traits:
Old thought: I should have whatever I want and will do what is necessary to get it.
Old belief: My wants and needs are more important than anyone else’s.
Old behavior: Take credit for the work of others to get a raise or promotion.
New thought: I may not always get what I want, but I usually get what I need without hurting myself or anyone else. I would like to have that promotion, but______ had more sales and deserves the job. I will get another chance in the future.
New belief: I will not harm (emotionally or otherwise) myself or others to get what I want.
New behavior: Give credit to co-worker for job well done

Another article I found:

Have you reached your FULL Potential? Stop a minute and ponder those words. Say them out loud. “MY FULL POTENTIAL”.

What does it mean to reach Your Full Potential? Have you already reached it? If you haven’t reached it, what is holding you back? Why are you being held back? What needs to be released so you can reach it? Does your meaning of reaching Your Full Potential match the one who made you? These are a few questions to ponder and inspire you.

I want to welcome you to my site. My name is Debra and I created this site to have a place to save and share tidbits of information. My goal is to help inspire you to push past your comfort zone and to reach for more; to live a life of purpose and pursue living it to the max.

If we live our life every minute of every day to our Full Potential, imagine what we can all accomplish! We are unstoppable human beings; giving and being the best. It brings me so much joy knowing that what I share can possibly help someone else. If it is helping you then it is helping me reach My Full Potential!

If you haven’t reached your Full Potential, don’t worry, your not alone! Your were meant to see this website today! Believe in your heart it is Your Destiny. God sent you here even if you don’t know who he is. You have been on the Pathway to reaching it, and perhaps didn’t even realize it!

Life can be hard and at times very cruel. Everywhere you turn there are negatives that can get you down if you allow them to. Life can hurt. There are hurting people all around us. Perhaps you are one of them. Perhaps life has hit you hard and you are being held back. The greatness that comes from within is wanting to come out but you feel discouraged. You have been beaten up, bruised and battered. You have been burned or are burned out. You are surviving and doing the best you can.

Somewhere deep inside of you though there is a small quiet voice that speaks to you. It says, you can do more. You can be more. You were created for more. You long to do things that are great, but something is holding you back. Perhaps it is fear. Maybe it is lack of self confidence. Whatever it is, know that you are not alone. There are many people who have felt exactly like you do. I am one of them. I want to share with you what I know and how my life has been turned around. When life feels like it is not going right and you need to read something to inspire and uplift you, I encourage you to come here. When the voices of doubt, fear, criticism, or worry start speaking to you and try to swerve you off your path, come here and let Your Full Potential take over. Replace those voices of negativity with something positive and inspiring and you will soon be back on the road to Reaching Your Full Potential!

I want you to know and believe I understand firsthand what it is like to battle, to worry, to fear, to cry, to feel lost. I have battled my whole life. I am an abuse survivor and “life thriver”. I want to share with you what has given me strength. I want to share with you what has helped me step beyond being a survivor to a Thriver! There is a difference between getting by and surviving and actually doing what you are called to do! God is helping turn my “mess” into a message! That message will be conveyed through this site. I also would love to speak to you or any organization and I am in the process of writing a book. This site grows as I grow. It is like my open journal to the world. Whoever is meant to see it, will see it!

We are all meant to accomplish great things in this life. We were all created for a wonderful specific purpose. God loves us to Dream Big. I am now dreaming big and reaching for the stars. I want to help inspire others to do the same! I want to encourage you to not give up! Don’t ever doubt you are loved! Don’t ever doubt you are worthy! Don’t ever doubt you are awesome and have much to give! You can reach Your Full Potential! Don’t give up. Keep the Faith and Keep on Keeping on. The world is a better place because of YOU. There is absolutely no one else on this planet that is like you. You were created for a specific reason and a unique purpose. You are needed and are important. God created you and you have gifts and talents that he needs you to share. When you share your Goodness, his Light, and share Love know you are on the pathway of Reaching Your Full Potential

Wow what great words. What specifically struck me was the one line said:

“It brings me so much joy knowing that what I share can possibly help someone else. If it is helping you then it is helping me reach My Full Potential!

That sentence is so profound to me. It was something that is very important to me. Thank you!!!

A very tacky site that needs a new template: http://www.yourfullpotential.org

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