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★★Honouring The Goddess Inside

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I have started this thread as a reminder and a space to connect with the inner and outer Goddess .
."Today I reconnect with that beautiful energy of the Goddess inside of me ,in my heart and soul."

" I am now fully aware again of the outer connection with the Goddess and Mother Earth and am grateful for the sacred energy "

As I enter a space of healing and growing spiritually ,while also simplifying our home and other areas of my life it is very comforting to not feel alone . 

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loving your thread flowergirl!


I love the one about making waves... & not to worry... the moon does it all the time. That's priceless!found this & thought what comes up for me w/the inspiration of your thread





This is one of my favorite videos





My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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Ancient Mother ,beautiful


I wake up very slowly in the morning...This is a lovely way to do that...

Thank you again for the peacefulness & flow of this thread! 

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

A Goddess Garden @spiralgoddess.com-site

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Image result for honor the goddess within quotes


I truly read all you've posted and wanted to tell you how much I've been enjoying this thread. I find it spiritually, peacefully, joyfully, personally uplifting. It has added to my life.

Thank you flowergirl, for this and being uniquely wonderfully  you.



I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.







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In response to flowergirl's post: In response to flowergirl's post

she sings like an angel!

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
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begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

her voice is beautiful isnt it 



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“When winter comes to a woman’s soul, she withdraws into her inner self, her deepest spaces. She refuses all connection, refutes all arguments that she should engage in the world. She may say she is resting, but she is more than resting: She is creating a new universe within herself, examining and breaking old patterns, destroying what should not be revived, feeding in secret what needs to thrive.

Winter women are those who bring into the next cycle what should be saved. They are the deep conservators of knowledge and power. Not for nothing did ancient peoples honour the grandmother. In her calm deliberateness, she winters over our truth, she freezes out false-heartedness.

Look into her eyes, this winter woman. In their gray spaciousness you can see the future. Look out of your own winter eyes. You too can see the future.”

Author: Patricia Monaghan


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Beautiful thread flowergirl

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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music for healing female energy

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shared from facebook - I love this ladies look - she is so sure in herself 

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The deep Feminine, the mystery of consciousness, She who is life, is longing for our transformation as much as we are. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births and deaths… But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression. This is what She longs for, this is what we are for: experiencing the Feminine through ourselves. We simply need to slow down, and find where to put our conscious attention. And it is this, this willingness to look again, this willingness to put consciousness onto our places of unconscious, to express what we have always avoided, which starts the process of unblocking, so that She may flow through.
~ Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman


What women need to heal is not for anyone else to tell them what to do or how to feel. They’ve had enough of those messages all of their lives. And they don’t need to follow someone else’s wisdom. What they yearn for is a radically emphatic container of safety and support that allows them to access the deep wells of their own wisdom.

Women need to listen to themselves.

What women need to heal is dedicated time away from their multitudinous duties, obligations and responsibilities. They need to lay down the burden of needing to be all things to all people. They long to play. And have fun. To be giddy and silly and collapse into gigglefests. To laugh and laugh until they roll on the floor and snort through their noses and pee in their pants.
Women need glitter.

What women need to heal is permission to go into the wilderness of their internal world. To explore and embrace everything that they find there. They need to know that all of their feelings and emotions will be honored and respected.
Including their rage.
Their shame.
Their grief.
Their hunger.
Their desires.
They need a place where they can feel free to howl and moan and wail.
Stomp and bellow.
Shiver and shake.

Women need lots and lots of chocolate.
Women need a place where they can be authentic. And real. They don’t need to be told that they are too much, too sensitive, too emotional or crazy.

They need a place where they can be unabashedly too anything and then encouraged to be even more than that. To express themselves with gorgeous abandon without holding anything back.

Women need art supplies.

Women need to remember. And to tell the truth. To reveal the secrets and stop the lies.

They need to bring out of the darkness and into the light the reality of the burning times. The nighttime violations. The betrayals. The rapes. The discriminations. The lost innocence.The times when they were afraid. And alone. And made to feel invisible.

They need to tell their stories.
Shout their stories.
Dance their stories.
Sing their stories.
Paint their stories.
Over and over and over again.
Until they know in their bones and in their cells that they have been heard. Witnessed. Seen.

Women need their voices.

Women need circles of other women. Bosom buddies. Companions on the journey. They need the sisterhood of knowing that they are not alone on this path. That they are part of a lineage of feminine connection and shared history. They need to know that their experiences are universal. And because of that they can be understood. Respected. Valued. Cherished.

Women need community.

Women need to reclaim the miracle of female embodiment. To bask in the luscious feminine sensuality that belongs only to them. To ecstatically re-inhabit bellies and breasts, hips and thighs. To wriggle and jiggle their sacred flesh. They need to embrace their own pleasure. Their own sexuality. Their own orgasms. To know that these things exist primarily for their OWN delight and are not dependent on anyone else.

Women need to dance their bliss.

Women need a place to be vulnerable. And needy. A place where they can fall apart. To be messy, snotty and rumpled. To not have to be perfect. They need to cry with each other. To be tender. And soft. They need to know that they don’t have to do anything to be loved. That simply who they are is enough.

Women need to be held by a compassionate heart.

Women need deep, deep rest. Sacred solitude. And silence. They need to be alone with themselves. To taste the deliciousness of their own being. They need time and space away from hustle and bustle and busyness in order to hear their own thoughts, feel their own feelings, know and identify their own needs.

Women need boundaries.

Women need to go to their edges. To take up space. Spread their wings. Daring to be big. Brazen. Practicing audacious expansion. To stand boldly in their triumphant female warrior fierceness. To confidently know the bottomless potency of their unflinching strength, plucky determination and dauntless courage.

Women need their power.

Women need to give birth over and over and over again. To babies of ALL kinds that include projects, plans, paintings, songs, blog posts, books, poems, businesses, visions for the future and genius ideas that will nurture and transform themselves and the world.

Women need to create.

Women need ritual and ceremony. Magic and mystery. Prayer and meditation. Soulful journeys. Heartfelt presence. Surrendering to the velvet inner darkness of their intuitive knowing. Opening to cosmic inspiration. Inhabiting the enchanted realms of their own imagination. They need to be broken open by awe. To dream themselves awake. To step into the holy of holies of wholeness and see their own true face reflected there.

Women need communion with spirit.

Women need independence. And liberation from oppression, both inside and out. The intoxicatingly sweet taste of self-determination. Living on their own terms. Radiant sovereignty. To be queens of their domains. To know that they can joyfully choose and choose and choose again a life of their own making.

Women need wild freedom.

Women need to remember their ancient earthy roots. To dig into the soil, dive into the ocean, wander in the the desert and open themselves in rapture to the star studded sky.

Women need to come home to the mother of us all."

Chris Zydel.

In your body lives truth
and when you are sad
meet your sadness
in rooms where she dwells.
In your throat and your chest
in your gut and your neck
in your back and your womb
there is nothing to fear.
Don’t talk yourself out of your sadness
behold her young tender eyes
where to rest and to play
and to dream some
would enliven
your essence
your life.
If you wave Sad away
I will ask you to say
who first snubbed
your longing for care
then flattened your heart
with edicts and tasks
and demands and impossible snares?
Do not ask Sad to wait
that’s a miserable fate
that’ll harden
into aching and sorrow
she’ll lodge in your cells
in ways you will hate
time to loosen
those ancestral moorings.
Take her hand
to the forest
there’s magic
in trees.

I wrote this piece after long conversations about differing approaches to emotional trauma and the consequences of dismissing feelings through cognitive and behavioural approaches.
The cognitive approach often shows up as “You are feeling what you are feeling because of the thoughts you are thinking. Think different thoughts, let them pass and don’t take them seriously, and you will feel differently.”
Having been in the cognitive camp for a long time, I can say that for many things, this approach works.
But for the deeper emotional work, it has not served me to step over or bypass the feelings that show up in my body and to tell myself to move on.
There’s truth when the body says YES or NO, and to learn to trust those clear messages is the way to stop abandoning ourselves.
© 2019 Miriam Linderman

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When a woman has owned her passionate nature,

Allowing love to flood her heart,

Her thoughts grow wild and fierce and beautiful.

Her juices flow. Her heart expands.

She has thrown off crutch and compromise.

She has glimpsed the enchanted kingdom,

The vast and magical realms of the Goddess within her....

When a woman conceives her true self,

A miracle occurs

And life around her begins again 

Marianne Williamson

For the love of a tree..
She went out on a limb.
For the love of the sea..
She rocked the boat.
For the love of the earth..
She dug deeper.
For the love of community..
She mended fences.
For the love of the stars..
She let her light shine.
For the love of spirit..
She nurtured her soul.
For the love of a good time..
She sowed seeds of happiness.
For the love of the Goddess..
She drew down the moon.
For the love of nature..
She made compost.
For the love of a good meal..
She gave thanks.
For the love of family..
She reconciled differences.
For the love of creativity..
She entertained new possibilities.
For the love of her enemies..
She suspended judgment.
For the love of herself..
She acknowledged her worth.
And the world was richer for her.

"For the Love of the World"
~Charlotte Tall Mountain~

Image result for be gentle to yourself quotes

At some point on the journey, you may reach a point where you want to ease the throttle of transformation.

Not where you stop growing, but where you stop utilizing your will to affect personal change.

You’re still growthful, but it’s different.

It’s gentler, and it’s more about accepting what is, than changing it.

You reach a place where you are more embracing of who you are, and of how far you have come, and you feel ready to work with what you’ve got.

It’s important to notice this moment, if it arrives.

Because there is a real peace in that tender self-acceptance.

And, ironically, it may ignite the most profound change of all.
~Jeff Brown~

In response to flowergirl's post: beautiful! 

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


To the woman who has lost her spark.
To the woman whose get up and go, has well and truly gone.
This is for you.
This is to remind you whose daughter you are.
This is to remind you, that you don’t have to be everything to everyone, every day.
You didn’t sign up for that.
Remember when you used to laugh? Sing?
Throw caution to the wind?
Remember when you used to forgive yourself more quickly for not always being perfect.
You can get that back again.
You really can.
And that doesn’t have to mean letting people down or walking away.
It just means being kinder to you, feeling brave enough to say no sometimes.
Being brave enough to stop sometimes.
And rest.
It starts the moment you realise that you’re not quite who you used to be.
Some of that is good, some of that is not.
There are parts of you that need to be brought back.
And if anyone in your life is not okay with that… they are not your people. Your people will be glad to see that spark starting to light up again.
So, if you have been slowly fading away my friend, this is the time to start saying yes to things that bring you joy and no to things that don’t.
It’s really pretty simple.

~Donna Ashworth

~ Silver ~
How many years of beauty do I have left?
she asks me.
How many more do you want?
Here. Here is 34. Here is 50.
When you are 80 years old
and your beauty rises in ways
your cells cannot even imagine now
and your wild bones grow luminous and
ripe, having carried the weight
of a passionate life.
When your hair is aflame
with winter
and you have decades of
learning and leaving and loving
sewn into
the corners of your eyes
and your children come home
to find their own history
in your face.
When you know what it feels like to fail
and have gained the
to rise and rise and rise again.
When you can make your tea
on a quiet and ridiculously lonely afternoon
and still have a song in your heart
Queen owl wings beating
beneath the cotton of your sweater.
Because your beauty began there
beneath the sweater and the skin,
This is when I will take you
into my arms and coo
you’ve come so far.
I see you.
Your beauty is breathtaking.
~ @jeannetteencinias

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says ""Looking behind I am filled with gratitude Looking forward I am filled with vision Looking upward I am filled with strength And looking within I discover peace" Apache prayer"



the truest medicine you will ever receive beats deep within your chest whispered from the drum of your own heart.
All through your life others will try to talk you out of trusting your own deep intuition, attempting to create mutiny and distrust within your own sacred realm. They will try to make you question your holy wisdom and make you pull up the roots from your own deep heart.
Those who doubt your free spirit and sage insight will always try to make you question yourself. In the absence of being able to trust their own guiding compass, they try to make you distrust your own. You are your own True North, and they fear this deep truth most of all.
Never listen to anyone who tells you to ignore your instincts. You are Captain of your ship and master of your destiny. You have the power to navigate your own seas even if sometimes the road isn’t always clear at first. You’ve come so far even when the odds were stacked against you and the path seemed perilous.
Always remember that you are a channel of divine wisdom, a portal of the sacred. You are a mighty temple filled with ancient knowledge and you have a message to bring, one that calls to be honored from the center of your wild being. Your inner wisdom guides you to the medicine that you are here to bring into being. This is the destiny that flows within your veins, your mystical unfolding.
Dear sister, the voice within you can never be silenced nor can it be forsaken. We can lose our ears for a time when the world rages around us and our fingers slip from our own grasp. But it is never gone forever.
Never let anyone convince you that the truth that wells up from your soul is anything but sacred. You are a conduit of the unknown wild one and you are here to birth new possibility into being.
Your voice and your truth need to be shared.
Trust yourself wild woman, you got this.
Just listen to your heart.

In response to nature girl's post:

love it!

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

If you don’t know where your place is, find it.
Cry. In the morning, in the afternoon, on Saturday nights when it will ruin your makeup.
Tears are for washing, ...for protecting;
stuffed tears turn to poison, to hate, pulsing through the sea of you.
Cry when you are happy, cry when you are broken, cry when you need to
and because someone weak once told you it made you weak.
Begin to belong to you, and only you.
Did you ever belong to just yourself?
Be the person you can count on, to laugh with,
to endure with, to wipe the eyeliner from beneath your eyes.
Be the person to hug your hips, to read books to, to lay in the grass with.
You do not have to fill your spaces with someone else.
If you expect someone else to fill you, there will never be enough love.
Let light flood the empty parts of you and heal with sunshine, not fingerprints.
Exist, and let your existence speak for itself.
Do not make yourself a smoker or a prude or a body cavity to fill.
Do not make yourself into anything other than the person you are.
There is an identity, there always was an identity, you have never ceased to exist.
You have never disappeared, despite your many attempts.
Eat. As much or as little as you want. Do not vanish.
Breathe, deep, shaky, powerful gulps of air. Do not suffocate.
Wander into the places of yourself you’ve been too afraid to touch,
You may find bruises, you may find scars,
Know yourself, map yourself.
One day, someone will want to understand your geography.
Know how to teach them.
Wander too far away from home, leave home, build new homes.
When one burns down, you will always have another one to learn
to trust warmth inside of.
Set down your burdens.
You carried their emotions inside your heart for far too long.
You are not a backpack, or a hamper, or a trunk for all of
their old demons to sit and rot inside of.
You are not luggage, you are a person.
Love will come to you in forms that you don’t recognize.
People will love you who don’t need to be saved.
People will love you for your face in the morning,
and not when they tear down your strength.
People will love you for the way your voice sounds when reading,
and not when telling them what they want to hear.
People will love you because of the creation you are,
and not a wax figurine they tried to turn you into.
Learn to be fresh. To begin each day without yesterday’s mistakes.
Learn to sit in the rocking chair
and hold their flaws gently, cradling them,
as they learn to trust your balance-beam heart.
Learn to smile when plans fall through, when the food gets cold,
when the rain drenches us on our walk home.
Say, “I love you,” only when you want to say it.
Say no, maybe and yes. But not just Yes.
And not just No.
Carry inside of you the story of a person who is a tapestry.
A person made to help flowers grow,
A person made to give the world something no one else could.
A person made in divine light.
Let the hate steep with the tea.
Let your fear of remembering be forgotten.
Let your toes curl up in delight.
Let happiness sit upon your windowsill like a sleeping cat
so that everyone who passes will smile knowing:
You are whole.
You have always been whole.
You will always be whole.
-Author: Chloe Bell-

In response to nature girl's post:

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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