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Happiness Mtg★ 5-18 to 24th/Pause&Reflect★

  • ** * Happiness Mtg Topic This Week: Pause & Reflect Per a request from a member, this meeting will stay posted Wed-Wed. 5-18-16 -> 5-27-16
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What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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    Near the large numbers 1 & 2 ..there are:
  • Questions… though each question …will have parts to pause and reflect…** feel free to simply add what comes up for you with regard to topic(:

I would like to open our meeting first with questions to consider created by Kathi, and then some that came to me…

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    from Kathi:

Marianne Williamson states “Every decision that you make reflects your evaluation of who you are.”

In this weeks meeting, we are being asked to pause and reflect. We are being asked to stand back, and feel. Feel the space of this moment. Feel the timeless presence, your being-ness. Your essence.

1) My 1st question for our group:

What is holding you back from extending love to yourself?

I truly believe that happiness comes from our experience of love, both giving and receiving it. I also believe that our happiness is hugely influenced by our learned capacity of forgive.

My second question:

2) I ask that you indulge yourself in this question. Pause. Listen. Enjoy…
See yourself as a beautiful light, glowing and radiating. In that beautiful light, see yourself as a beautiful temple. Within the timeless temple, that same light is alive, and its flowing, moving, communicating, responding, and giving.

Who are you, the light is quickly asking.

My question to all participants: What come up for you from this brief meditative inquiry?? Who do you know yourself to be?? Do you feel all of the fear melt away and instant certainty of the LOVE that you are??

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from In The Flow/AppreciationView˚ etc (:
My questions for our group:

3. What areas in your life are receiving a spiritual wake-up call and what do you believe prompted it?

4. Where can you feel it leading you as you pause and reflect?

This inner peace and happiness is always becoming more defined for you… What is its definition today? (I believe most of you will agree we come back to this focus-question frequently & are always adding dimensions of it as we continue to grow from the inside out.)

Pause & Reflect

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Thriving and attune to our sensitivities


We invite you to choose a week you’d like to join in developing a meeting. Though whether this opportunity interests you at this time or not…please feel free to join in with your contributions…

Success N Freedom will be creating a video for this meeting….and it will be placed in the intro(:
Thank you Success(:

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hope to see you here. We whip these threads up quickly …though thoughtfully. Hope you enjoy!

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ARTICLEVIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY”:http://www.earthunchained.com/vibrational-frequency/


  • ARTICLEYOU ARE LOVED”:http://www.jacquelineduplessis.com/you-are-loved/
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I Am living a Divine plan

coming soon….

feel free to post your responses to our questions…

our responses need reflection too(:

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

Love this picture! The beautiful rain nurturing this amazing delicate flower!!!
I can relate to this picture. I feel the same vulnerability as the flower. And, this is my season to be fully alive, peak vitality!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

Reflection happens routinely… as we truly live our lives, recognizing our true heart of hearts, our values…
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    It requires a giant appreciative illuminating pause…
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    Am I speaking of gratitude? Sure that is included. Am I referring to seeing where my moments of yesteryear have added to my present? Sure, of course. And checking in and feeling how this pertains to future dreams…that is included…though beyond that too…

to pause and reflect to at this time of my life means…

to be continued…. on this Happiness Meeting(:

Though before I pause and reflect I’d like to contribute a link I enjoyed:

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11 ways to drop into heart place
Ask an open-ended question, like “What would I notice if I were to allow my awareness to move back into the heart-field?” or “Where am I in relation to the field of my heart?” Follow that awareness and connect to it. From this space, notice what you notice. to read list in its entirety

I Am living a Divine plan

Question # 1. What is holding you back from extending love to yourself?

In dark times, times of heavy worry and stress, it is almost impossible for me to pause and reflect. I only get tiny snippets of time when I can afford to turn my focus on me. I am usually 100% focused on helping my better half recover with her reoccurrence of cancer. Nasty stuff it is.

The SC Lourie quote and picture resonates with me right now. I am confused, broken, frustrated and very sad. My bravery pales in comparison to hers. I don’t think anyone can truly appreciate how much courage it takes to undergo chemotherapy a second time unless you have done it yourself. I agree where we are is where we are and we are always worthy. It is so pleasing to know that no matter how much love in my heart I have to give, more is always there.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:

thank you for sharing these statements! It is so pleasing to know that no matter how much love in my heart I have to give, more is always there. I believe that awareness (you speak of) is the connecting ticket.

Who wants to hear or think about self-care… when the person who matters the most to us has health concerns. I have knowledge you do what is necessary to take care of you & your family.

With the love that you are… that you sense…. is the love that you are extending to you too… that kind of love… is The Love… And through these difficult times may these ideas peak into some of your moments… as you continue on as you do…

And the quote by SC Lourie truly resonated with me as well… Where we are is where we are and yes we are always worthy and go from the place …

I want to thank you again for your openness always on these threads…and of course particularly during these times with your beautiful wife.

sending big hug, much love and continued prayers my friend ~~

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to Poppy’s post:

Thank you Poppy for your reply.

During these difficult times, I can only hope that your faith is a true source of comfort… And I hope that you will rest in that comfort, and keep on presencing that true comfort for her and for yourself.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

3. What areas in your life are receiving a spiritual wake-up call and what do you believe prompted it? I am going to start this response…. and hopefully return this weekend sometime(:

Like most of us, I believe we are always receiving spiritual wake up calls…some we answer …that’s all(:

Recently… when faced with some time demands from a lovely opportunity that came our way… I had much to do… that I had no plans of doing lots now or even quickly …right now….

Though, I had once told myself, and repeatedly before up until recently….. when said opportunity as the one which presented itself (“out of the blew”)… -> I would have various things underway.

I had a gratitude and appreciation thing going on…. with an incredible lot of ‘demands’ I had put on myself… for that ‘someday I will’-moment in time.

So…do I

1) create enough compassion for myself…and get rid of those ‘nasty’ shoulds…. and leisurely do what seems easy enough…????
2) work feverishly and do what I had assigned myself or….. ????
3) Yup… found another option…. that blended it all together… and will return to share and how this relates to this question(:

I Am living a Divine plan

“In some ways we are like artists that sculpture from a block of clay.
With the tools from the heart and mind”
Lake not always Placid

“Space consciousness, the final frontier, to boldly and or vulnerably go where no one has gone before”

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