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SEPTEMBER 2015 The things i love

I love knowing I'll always have everything I need to be happy 

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

Awesome thread Robert!!

Things I love:
I love parties, family get togethers and I love making great, healthy food!
I especially love grilling meat. I am an expert on grilling!!!
I love art work, paintings, sculpture, and I love artistic people!!!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

WOW Just love this thread!
1) Life, my Faith
2) Family, friends and all of U
3) M U S I C and F O O D
4) Art of various media sculpture, paintings, poetry, various literature
5) The beauty of a day, sunrise, sunsets, moonlight :)

1) “God” the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
2) “Me”
3) The world and everyone in it, all my wonderful sisters and brothers of the human race.

I love fall weather!!
I love everything about this morning!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

wonderful days off…. for things I choose in the moment or things selected for these blocks of time in advance… (regardless all is always a choice) (:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love Fall weather too and lazy Sunday afternoons and not having to cook dinner today Yeah!

God, “Me” and my amazing family (Bmindful family members inclusive of course) :)

Wonderful idea for a thread, looking forward to adding on here(: I’ll begin by saying, Love This Thread !!! (:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

OH Appreciating Love it, Love U more :)

This present moment
The happiness and joy I feel
Great expectations

Living, experiencing the adventures each new day brings and most of all happiness :)

Every moment of life, sharing, giving, nurturing.

Good music. Hearing a child laugh. A good meal. A really comfortable bed. A nice bath or shower. Holding someone special. Learning new stuff. The satisfaction I get when I REALLY learning something well. Seeing beautiful landscapes. A cool breeze. Finishing something that took effort to finish.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Jesus, every facet of Life and all of U!

Crisp Autumn nights, chocolate cake or chocolate anything, sharing smiles and laughter

the ocean,the nearby cafe on the pier, walking on the pier after a meal with my spouse , the gym, my planning room, healthy delicious meals prepared with love and taste-buds which savor the whole experience, company of caring imaginative, optimistic people and the Bmindful community(:

(I could go on with a bit of a rampage…though…I’ll save some room for others) (:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Taking photographs

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

I Love hearing what others enjoy… (another reason I Love this thread)
and (adding on here):

I love hearing what my heart is expressing.
I love finding fun in all aspects of my life. I choose to enjoy my life(:

I love deciding to take really good care of me & doing things in that direction.

I love being involved with my hubby, where we both take care of each other(:

I love being around friends who truly care about themselves & others.

I love participating in my life.

I love that feeling welcome -feeling in the lives of others I know & new people I am also fortunate to meet. (The universe is a friendly universe)

I love creating my life.

I love looking forward to anything that my spirit is celebrating.



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Gratefully anticipating the dawn of the new day and the Blessings and Miracles that are yet to unfold and manifest along the way.

delicious nutritious mouth watering meals



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I absolutely love being joyful.

air conditioning(:

[this is an edit…when I posted earlier… I was anticipating getting it fixed…now …I’m feeling cooler) yaaaaay AC(:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Anticipation of being with my grandchildren for 9 whole days starting tomorrow.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

Life, every magnificent moment.
Glad to hear about the a/c Appreciating.
What a wonderful time you will have Poppy, sharing love and making treasured memories

I love feeling good feelings(:

I Am living a Divine plan


I love LIFE.
I love this AWESOME MOMENT!!
I love being able to cherish this thread, because it makes me realize how much I have to be grateful for…

And, I LOVE how great it feels to be able to experience this entire DAY as an opportunity to fill it up with joy and wonder!

I’m inspired!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

Being able to accept change.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

love knowing I can wake up slowly…and work my way into today(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I love creating with thoughts and activities I love!!!(: The results create what I desire(:

I Am living a Divine plan

Sharing, nurturing and helping others.

Loving my day… Loving where its leading…loving life…

I Am living a Divine plan

Life, every aspect and everyone in my magnificent Queendom!

In response to Nancee1953’s post:

now those are vibrations… Enjoying that energy(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I love everyone one of my Bmindful family, you are all such an amazing Blessing, each one in their own special way.

Anticipating having a wonderful day

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

choosing…allowing…being… and doing

I Am living a Divine plan

a cup of tea

I love my cat! Mister- Mister!
I love him so much, it doesn’t make sense!
I love that he loves me too!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I love reading those “Jack Reacher” novels by Lee Child!


“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I really love looking at all of the Christmas lights and decorations at night time!!
It puts me in the holiday spirit!!

It remainder me of family, and of all of our holiday traditions!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I love choosing ease

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

Love allowing myself to start and create my day with joy. Love enjoying on my own and including others in my life. Love the holidays and the beautiful celebrations. Love the people who are being celebratory. Love non-holidays too because I plan to enjoy a loving flow no matter what day it is. Thank you God! Amen to that(:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love Bmindful Community Forum /Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings Everyone

  • ~
    I love spending this time with my family-unit(: Thank you God
  • ~
    I love being healthy and those I love doing well. Thank you God

and ….and… (:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Being alive! Simple as that!

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

My son Rogi (Nick name) for I know I can talk to him as a friend now that he is older and understands my mental struggles with Depression and he is so understanding and loves me in spite of my down times. Lol peace and hugs. Jan

Have Faith
Give More
Expect Less
Be true to you :)

“Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you

Love being loving, from cooking a special dish, sharing kindness or doing something thoughtful for someone. It makes my heart sing! :)

I love feeling balanced. Feeling good about myself.
I love knowing I’m on the right path.
I love being a part of this community.
I love reading all your positive and inspiring words, its a blessing.
I love to see your continued dedication here ((((Robert)))) u lift me daily.
I thank you.

I love to cook and take care of my family.
I love comedy movies, they make me laugh. I love laughing.
I love sitting with my family in the living room quietly content just being together.

Quite a list. Hehehehe. Lol hugs. Jan

Have Faith
Give More
Expect Less
Be true to you :)

“Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you

things I love….right now! I’m vacationing….I’m hanging on to this feeling …

I Am living a Divine plan

Love to love Bmindful too… I love its members, their thoughtfulness, their desire to share and be shared with. I love that new members can feel the love almost immediately…and older members knew it was love that kept them returning. I also am sending love to you all… Thanks Robert for this thread…I love this awesome thread too(:

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to jan4jam’s post:
A wonderful list Jan! (:

I Am living a Divine plan

I absolutely love ME, each and everyone of my Bmindful family, my family, church family, friends, neighbors, heck the world and everyone in it, we are all relatives, big and small, short or tall. You can never have too much love. The more you give, the more you have to give. :)

I love everything about life and everyone in this vast Universe, especially all of U!

i love knowing every part of my body is functioning perfectly

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

I love that everything is going right for me

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

I love feeling so very, very, very happy

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

I love the abundance of good things in my life

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

Love being alive, savoring and enjoying every single magical moment of time!

truly awesome thread, I love that it was contributed!



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love how I am allowing the things I enjoy to set a rhythm for all that I say I need and want for this moment & moments I know I’m going to love even later than this moment. I love anticipating a wonderful day and a wonderful life.

I Am living a Divine plan

Loving everyone, absolutely love feeling the warmth and glow of love.

Feeling the luscious love
Right here right now
And fun!!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

tuning to the wonderful frequencies

feels good I’m easing into that right now…loving each step of the way(:

I Am living a Divine plan

A day off from work

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

feeling peace within my spirit…

I Am living a Divine plan

i love my curiosity and enthusiasm!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

In love with this magnificent NOW!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

Now that my momentum has been totally created… I have to agree with you Charmed Life-me too In love with this magnificent NOW!

I Am living a Divine plan

i love what my life has become!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love being able to focus wherever I desire. I love the energy of others truly loving what matters to them. I love positive flow.

I Am living a Divine plan

I want to love as much as possible everything i can

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

Love relaxing into my day.

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

This ridiculously fine moment…and believing in the goodness in the next(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I am loving that i have some time this morning to RAMPAGE!

I love my adorable grandson who surprises from time to time telling
me he love’s me just because he’s feeling it (snuggle)

I love my wonderful hubby because he is sweet, funny, smart, caring and a great dad and grandad!

I love how my body is embracing its well-being, a little exercise, healthy eating and mostly feeling great about it!!!

I love my good friend Lisa. I love the history we share, the love and the support!

I love knowing that i’m always on the right track by just noticing how i feel!

I love all of the new ideas coming to me!

I love dancing with the fairies of the universe!

I love being a lover!

I love allowing this beautiful life giving and loving energy to flow through me, knowing and feeling my power!

I love how my front yard is looking!

I love feeling special and pampered!

I love how well i am doing!

I love taking time to appreciate where i am!

I love exploring my world!

I love discovering new things!

I love meeting new people!

Have a FUN day everyone, and don’t forget to hug yourself because you are divine!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

Love feeling loved and comfortable in my skin :)

In response to Nancee1953’s post:

Nancee YOU ARE A STAR!!!!!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

Feeling the energy

Luscious positive energy

Making it fun: eazy peazy

Taking time to appreciate

Being in the moment

on my path

Brilliant consciousness

The ability to create my own world

Following the impulse

The fun

laughter everywhere

Flowing abundance

LOVE to everyone!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

Feeling the luscious energy

Good thoughts and feelings flowing free

No effort

Just chillin out


Looking for fun

Feeling the love and well-being flowing to us always

It’s a frequency

Tuning in

and enjoying the easy fun ride

Hocus pocus focus

Love that

Love this wonderful life

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love this morning, and even love how its getting later & later and I’m running out of time to prepare for work…. (wait for it..) Clarity for all I need to do in a short period of time…has now surfaced and I’m finding joy and ease after preparing my heart to step into a new day(:



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

While it feels good to be loved, nothing feels better in all of the universe than to LOVE 😸

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love exercising because it makes me feel sooo GOOD!!!!! 🏃

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love this moment.

I love being able to share what I love.

I love to be around others who are passionate about what they love…

I love this day…I am going to enjoy enjoying it(:

I Am living a Divine plan

i love my life, It’s WONDERFUL!!! 😸

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love lots and lots..and one moment I can see something as neutral or less …than I look with new eyes and it starts to grow love on it(: I love that!

I Am living a Divine plan

i am LOVING myself today and every day 💘

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I’m loving this moment …the awesome momentum I’m choosing to build upon… is creating good things(:

I Am living a Divine plan

We are so LOVED, more than imaginable 💗

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I do in fact love the rain
Im a big fan of thunderstorms.

“Space consciousness, the final frontier, to boldly and or vulnerably go where no one has gone before”

loving the thought of a restful sleep(:

I Am living a Divine plan

Love feeling this luscious energy

Love flowing free

Love this clarity

Love feeling more and more of the fullness

Love who I really am

Love feeling my delicious expansive journey

Loving the emotion

Love feeling good

Love jumping for joy

Loving my expansion

Love feeling the perfection of where I am and where i’m going

Love waking up feeling good

Love feeling non physical in my life

Loving and adoring me

Love relaxing into well being

Love feeling pure positive energy coursing through my body

Love to all

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love waking up slowly and gradually and progressively get into what creates a wonderful day…

I Am living a Divine plan

I love being source energy ~ The energy that creates worlds ~ AWESOME

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

Love the freedom i’m feeling

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love what this day is bringing….



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love creating/being part of life
I love what comes up of from past lessons, intuitive ideas, love and prayer:
a beautiful meal

a beautiful way at looking things

a beautiful friendship

a beautiful thought, feeling

I love knowing I simply decide and what I love begins

I Am living a Divine plan

I love allowing my morning routine to be something I look back on, and agree with…

Today will be one of those days(:

I Am living a Divine plan

this moment

I Am living a Divine plan

I love good feeling thoughts

I love how wonderful they make me feel

I love feeling wonderful

I love the feeling of pure joy and bliss

I love how beautiful that feeling is

I love that it is possible to find better feeling thoughts

I love that when I do things that feel good I have better feeling thoughts

I love good feeling thoughts

I love good feelings

I love not so good feelings too because I know there is value

I love this, I really do

It is so wonderful to experience the joy of deliberately finding better feeling thoughts

Oh the joy in reaching for joy

I love the feeling of lightness and joy in the area of my heart

I love that I am becoming more light hearted

I love that I find I am laughing more

I love that I am having more fun

I love that I feel I have found my purpose in life

I love that it makes me feel good

I love the joy of reaching for joy

I love joy

I love feeling good

I love spending time with friends

I love feeling better about myself and my life

I love that only good can come from this

I love that everything I have done is miniscule compared to what’s before me

I love that life is supposed to be fun

I love how passionate this makes me feel

I love the feeling of passion running through my veins

I love that I wake up with more energy

I love that there are no limits to the better feeling thoughts I can think

I love that the better it gets the better it gets

I love that there is no hurry in all of this

I love that I can do this gradually and little by little make good feelings my dominant vibration

I love that I can never get it done

I love that all good things come to me when I feel good

I love the simplicity of this

I love allowing the love of the universe to flow through me

I love that feeling good is so good

I love feeling good more than anything

I love that there is no end to this

I love you all

I love myself

I love life

I love everyone everywhere

All is good, all is good ::THANK YOU

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love my beautiful and loving family.
This is the happy family I always dreamt of ::I AM SO LUCKY

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love myself and I love how my healthy body is getting slimmer and more toned

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love my life. Everything is going so well

I love that I can align my energy and thoughts with my desires and everything works out so well for me ::COOL

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love where my life is taking me! And, I love the inner peace!

I love where I am at in my life, in terms of my personal happiness!

I am so grateful for all of the goodness in my life! All of the right people are in my life!!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

The things I LOVE:

I Love my parents and all of my 5 sibs!
I LOVE my son and my daughter!!
I dearly love all of the people that God has brought into my life!
And, I love awesome health!!!
I love my Angels and I love the communication that is shared with me…

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

The things I LOVE (:

My friends who are so patient, generous with their time and kind.

My family living and those who have passed who are very alive in my heart

My home that offers me much

My life that offers more

My God/Higher Power that offers the Unimaginable with simply allowing this

I Am living a Divine plan

Loving the highlights and haircut I got this morning, I feel great! and I look great too!

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I am loving my desires and my own guidance system, I have an abundance of faith in my decisions for what is right in my life. YEAH, today I feel my heart more than normal.

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I’m loving creating momentum for this day…

I Am living a Divine plan

I love opening my eyes in the morning to pleasant thoughts

I Am living a Divine plan

I love my life ::WOOHOO

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

love enjoying things to love(:

I Am living a Divine plan

waking up slow…and greeting the day naturally

I Am living a Divine plan

love reading what others share about what they enjoy and are learning

love getting in touch with my own curiosity and enthusiasm

love sharing for myself … and the beauty with connecting with others

love this thread

thank you for contributing it!

I Am living a Divine plan

I love my mom, she is a kind and loving person

I love all the times we have shared

I have always known she loves me deeply

I love her hugs because it always feels like i’m coming home, and there is nothing sweeter than feeling loved and coming home

in optimism there is magic. in pessimism there is nothing.

I love knowing how much choice I truly have…

I Am living a Divine plan

focusing on the areas my heart instructs me toward(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I love how I enjoy listening to wonderful thought provoking audios (just for me) after a work day

I Am living a Divine plan

I love finding that place inside that simply enjoys!

I Am living a Divine plan

Love feeling well

Loved how day worked out… & also love being back home

Love this relaxing feeling right now.

I Am living a Divine plan


loving how things come together…and get better…

everything is right …right … right where they’re supposed to be.

grateful, appreciative and smiling inside(:

I Am living a Divine plan

I love the rainbow I saw on the way home today

I Am living a Divine plan

I love my perfect health

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

I love how I eased into this day with appreciation.

What a fine way to wake up & start the day.

I Am living a Divine plan

I love how I enjoy and succeed in creating an Ideal, translate it into a  Vision and an ***Intention and the Surrender-is so easy(:



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

First day at big school

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to Mr Brightside's post:

can’t see.  ):


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

I love to see what Mr Brightside posts(:


I love to have a wonderful day.

I love to keep my inner child incredibly happy

I love to see what good foods I am going to give myself daily 

I love to look forward to things I know I will love 

I love to appreciate what I love 

I love to plan. I love to plan because I can assure I will love what’s happening in my world and the joy I may be able to bring others.



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere


it’s really not like we need permission … Though this made me smile 😃 

Its an invite to be incredible.

I have decided to RSVP

Thank you I have chosen to attend & be present 


Yes Happy, Loving myself, Realizing my worth, Believing in Great things, Treating myself with love & respect will be joyous, happy and free components too.

Thank you 💗

I also love this:
“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, your mind will find ways to do it.

—David J. Schwartz

I love knowing how powerful our beliefs &  our action is.

I love knowing what is created by simply believing and understanding our part in things. I also love the wondrous universe we live in and it doesn’t need us for everything. The sun will rise and set without us(: So much is going on for the Good without our hand in it, and it’s so wonderful to be joyous about these miraculous occurrences.  I love focusing on all that I can change and knowing there are some beautiful incredible things that I can just sit back and admire it’s awesomeness.





Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

I love discovering....

I love finding out things: interesting facts and information that increases my awareness of how wonderful and also how exquisitely sensitive that our human race is that even our ancestors DNA influences our current generation.

That means that we are influencing future generations... 

I just want clean living and I want to be responsible for my footprint, I want to use less plastic.

I want to live and protect our earth for future generations.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I love HOPE.

HOPE matters.

The big three: faith, hope and love.

I love all that HOPE makes possible; without the capacity of HOPE, LOVE is not possible.

HOPE is what makes LOVE possible. 

In the absence of HOPE, relationships are on life support. By the time people quit speaking to each other, its already too late - because there is no hope. 

HOPE is fundamental to our human experience and our human condition.

Therefore, we live, we explore, we believe, we dream, we imagine all that's possible, we push aside fear and we press forward with the confidence, trust and the HOPE of new opportunities, new life, new discoveries, NEW HOPE of a better tomorrow!

Today, I engage myself - so that I can engage my hope with which I can build, create and manifest from within.

From within, I create.

From within, I am sourced.

From within, I hear.

From within, I see, I feel, I receive.

Today, I intend to plant powerful spiritual seeds -- of HOPE in my most interior heart space, for all of humanity, and I align with all like minded people OF HOPE, that starting right now, all of humanity find a way to work together -- IN HOPE that TOGETHER and take as much time as it takes to multiple the momentus strength of HOPE, in All and For All, especially those who are in the greatest need of HOPE now.

May the hearts and minds of mankind be opened and may the light of Love protect us and unite us.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

Spiritual seeds:

"It only takes one seed of peace to create a forest."  

~ Robert Hensel.


"You may call for peace as loudly as you wish, but where there is no brotherhood, there can in the end be no peace."  

~ Max Lerner, American journalist.


"We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God."  

~ Thomas Merton, American writer.


"Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves."  

~ William Hazlitt, English writer.


"Real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not war."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist and poet.


"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

~ George Orwell, American novelist; from the book "1984"

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Joy Grows here's post: In response to Joy Grows here's post: In response to Joy Grows here's post

you are doing some beautiful ‘work’

I put work in quotes because when your soulful spirit is guiding you , I am quite sure it feels less like work and more like peace on your journey & flow.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚$ & Life of SelfCareEase's post:


Yes to peace! In order for there to be lasting peace, we need to choose to work together.

In working together, we are no longer polarized and no longer fighting.

I look forward to looking at all that we all have in common, and finding and increasing common ground. I look forward to choosing greater unity, and to the peace that comes from such endeavors.

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
- Martin Luther King Jr.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

- Victor Frankl.



Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

Being relaxed, at peace with yourself, confident, emotionally neutral loose, and free-floating — these are the keys to successful performance in almost everything.”

- Wayne Dyer.


Whatever is – Thank You !

My well-being is encased in love&peace and thrives in this atmosphere

In response to ♡ ˚BlessedPerceptions's post:

Love Victor Frankel quotes, and Martin Luther King. Thank you!

Back to things I love:

Life is so full of many great and worth choices!

Today, I am filled with appreciation for wonder.

There is so many natural treasures in our earth! 

I completely enjoy seeing wonder as it sparks the hearts and minds of young children.

I actually enjoy it in people of all ages!

I experience wonder when I see photos taken from the galaxy, or when I look at photos of nature, animals, and the greatness of our natural resources, with powerful plunging waterfalls or of explorers climbing mountains in Tibet.

I choose to experience to joy of wonder!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I love smiling with my heart


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❤Heart Smiling Technique
How Your Heart❤ Produces Energy

    • __________________________




“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

Allowing & creating a brand new day



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love how I

stay inspired

under any & all conditions



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love daily intentions 

& I love that daily I intentions (:




“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I absolutely love starting my day with things I love. I love the energy it provides for things I normally would not want to do - though truly need to . 



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love the moment I am in . It is the only moment there is- to be in



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

I love our Bmindful community 

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“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi



“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi

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