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★Do Affirmations Work?

There’s a lot written about my story around the place. If I wasn’t absolutely convinced that positive affirmations were effective then I wouldn’t spend all my time maintaining and upgrading this web site.

But what about you? I’d love to hear more about your experience with affirmations.

Have you experienced success with affirmations? What problems did affirmations help you solve? Which specific affirmations seemed to work best?

“How easy it is in our life, to miss what’s being offered.” — Paul Haller

Im very excited to find out

There is so much everyday evidence that affirmations work. The things you say to yourself as you get dressed – “this top makes me look slim!” – or what you’re thinking about for breakfast – “I want fruit, it’s healthy”. these little mantras make such a difference. The only difference to these and affirmations in the bmindful sense is that we are consciously affirming notions that may not intially come so naturally, and using ONLY positive affirmations to this effect.

No doubt about it words are powerful! When I’m rushing for work—and I say anything negative the stress increases. If I say, oh-running out of time—don’t want to be late—I can feel the adrenaline and not in a good way.

What I do before I actually get out of bed—still kind of alpha-state —no matter how much time is remaining—I say things like:

1. I’m fully rested
2. I’m enthusiastic about my day
3. I love getting ready for work and how quickly I can do everything I need to do before I leave

It truly is like a magic-pill -

When people meet me they wonder why I’m feeling so good. They haven’t a clue the conscious effort I put into choosing how I want it to be -on the inside to produce what I want on the outside.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

“I’m fully rested” is such a great affirmation. Millions of people wake up to an alarm saying “oh no! I need more sleep” … so bad, but something I fall in to on many occassions.

My husband has custody of my step-son who has severe mental health issues. Dealing with him is a constant uphill, never ending, i-am-going-to-strangle-him kind of time. However if I am negative or even have a uh-oh this isn’t going to go well attitude about me, it goes worse than I can imagine. I can’t expect “Normal” from him or even “close to normal” but I can expect him to have good attitude and good behavior if his interactions are positive. I have my positive affirmations mantra that gets said more often than other thing in my house, it has made a HUGE difference in the resentments I have t’words my husband, my step-son, life. And I completely agree that it takes a HUGE amount of conscious effort to maintain positive.

On another note, when I had my miscarriage I couldn’t get out of bed (or really, let myself drown in negative instead of focusing on the positive)
That’s when I read a really good book that had an entire section on positive affirmations. I took what I thought I could use and posted them with the others over my house. They helped me remember what I was here for and how much I could grow if I would only look ahead of my steps instead of behind.

looking forward to responding to this in the present and hearing from others here(: great thread back then & wonderful current possibilities!!(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to Selfcare˚ Allowing GREAT's post: Yep, I'm too looking forward to hearing more and it is really helpful. I'm loving this post and I recently found a few more stuff at 30 best Daily Affirmations to improve Self Belief. I'm sharing it with you as you might like it.

In response to affirmlive's post:

What do you enjoy about using affirmations,affirmlive?(:


I took a glance at your site, and found some lovely affirmations there, thank you for sharing with us. I see you've posted your site on other threads... Hope its ok, I shared some of your affirmations here. If not I will remove. 

blessings,Selfcare˚ Allowing GREAT


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

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