love doing whatever I need
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→ My spirit is a sensitive & strong place, I handle with loving care. → I AM the confidence, peace and courage in the best way just for me. → All things are unfolding for my absolute Greatest Good. → I honor love. → Life loves me. → I am nurtured and fulfilled, content and blessed, safe and at peace, my entire being is balanced, vital, and healthy. I am filled with gratitude. → I radiate love and happiness. → I am truly dynamic. → My energy is Good because I care about its components.
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I am strong, courageous, content, and thoroughly optimistic. I feel more alert, more refreshed, more calm, complete, focused, strong and healthy ——- → Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷMy heart beats to the rhythm of love and supports me easily and effortlessly! |
thought for the day:
“Always remember, joy is not incidental to spiritual quest. It is vital.”
~ Nachman of Breslov