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★Giving Yourself Enough Time/Space

Giving Yourself Enough Time/Space

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    thread created 11/09/16
    last edited 11/10/16

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lets share how we are kind to ourselves as we begin believing more in our strengths. (feel free to share anything related-even a compassionate letter to yourself)
    soften soothe & allow
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    Write a compassionate letter
    compassionate letter
    Write to yourself from the perspective of a friend who cares deeply about you,savor the feeling, put the letter down, and then read it to yourself later on.
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    Here is mine today:

    To my special friend who I only want to be well taken care of,

We both know life is to be savored. Being passionate about everything requires even more time to digest and pull back from the world.

Today I want you to pull back, step back far… and surrender. You always discover something more life enhancing… your Being will benefit.

While having others in your life is enjoyable …you are the only one that needs to take the time to get you…. to nurture you.

I am so glad you do, so you can simply Be… the result is the compassion you desire…from you. From there others are a bonus. Thank you for loving you this way.

signed, me selfcare
PS we’ll talk some more(:

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affirmations in process
★ Simple, authentic validation from my self is a loving perfect life-tool.
★I choose to care well for me, and see the beautiful places it takes me.

I Am living a Divine plan

As we grow more and more confident ….sometimes there is a bit of confusion… with our MUST’s/SHOULD’s

As we believe we are so able- there is tendency to believe we should/must do more…

I’m of the belief… that we need to be consciously compassionate with ourselves in the living-well department.

Sometimes yes, it is about activity…and more and more creation.

And sometimes that creation is …. simply and powerful the stepping back, surrendering and creating space… to merely show up more IN OUR LIVES to open the door to where our spirit wants us to be.

Ask yourself… what do you want to have given to you? Now, ask yourself with all the love and generosity that you possess, what easy going way would you like to gift this to you?

So remember… if you will…no matter what it is…compassionately being present for ourselves-seems to be the answer

related threads/links in process

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thread Caring Your Mind Body & Soul

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    related links coming soon
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I Am living a Divine plan

Thank you for sharing, I am glad I found this. You are so right, we must be present for ourselves and ask what it is that we really want.

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