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★ Wonderful Things You've (Re)Discovered

What wonderful thing have you discovered, or possibly rediscovered, that you may like to add to your book of personal awesome things that you want etched in your heart (share as you feel)

  • ~
    I rediscovered age truly is just a number. I enjoy reflecting on each new stage of life.. *Easily seeing stages are self-created, and I am so able to see the beauty in my now, and the gifts and the charm of my tomorrows.

Thank you God for the redirect.

(& part of the vehicle that helped this rediscovery was this weeks Happiness meeting)

I Am living a Divine plan


  • ~

Recently I had a huge…and I mean huge revelation… about my relationship with joy and its purpose in my life. It is a true essence of all that I appreciate…and I simply and powerfully claim it in my life. I thank those who tried to share a different understanding for what life should be…The opposing ideas only made me stronger in finding this out for myself… again(: joyfully appreciating again & again(:

I Am living a Divine plan

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