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★Accountability , Gratitude-Attitude, & Bmindful

Thread started in 2009, currently revising in process for 2012

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2009 thread-Accountability & Other Gifts of Bmindful
Thank you bmindful for helping me stay focused on my most valuable goals. I’m simply amazed, w/not only the results of positive affirmations, and the fantastic people, though also the element of accountability we assist one another with.

I’m at a stage in my life that family has dwindled, original motives for pursuing goals have changed, and my goals themselves have needed some fine tuning to move forward for another stage of living. While I don’t consider myself old, I am at a place that I can only keep myself youthful (healthy and vibrant) and competitive in the career market w/a constant upkeep (and assessment) w/regard to my activities.

I don’t want to wake up someday and say I wish I would’ve finished or started such and such.

Sometimes I hit a wall-feeling, of oh look more planning to see how to incorporate new ways in my current already busy life, as though it’s insurmountable. And while that feeling is so very temporary, the truth of the matter, any day we’re able to assess and configure a life that meets our needs and desires is even more precious, because we are moving forward with our God-given resources.

Though, how fortunate we are with a loving, safe wonderful place as bmindful that offers info and accountability with people you’ve never met in person. I thank you all for the gifts you continue to give.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

In response to laurie-prioritizes~and focuses~ very~well’s post:
I am in total agreement with you Laurie.
Accountability is very important in any task. Here at bmindful the very fact that we r sharing our most precious thoughts with the world makes us accountable to speak the truth and work towards our goals. There is no joy like – Mission Accomplished.

I personally feel that sharing my views on this platform gives me an outlet bcoz being a very shy person I can’t say/share some of my dreams with my living world. Here I am myself, my life is an open book and the fact that nobody is judging me or looking at me from a particular angle gives me the satisfaction of being my true self. We are all individuals and have certain views about certain issues in life. As life progresses these ideas and views change but the world out there sits in judgement and is ready to tell u that this is what u said yesterday how can u change today! I feel that there are times our constant judging of others makes us drift apart. Why can’t we just be. Or is it really possible?

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.

Not to lecture, but here’s what I think about goals.

All you can do is give yourself a chance to achieve your dreams.

The best goals for me? They’re goals of how to “be” and how to think. Goals of good habits that might make dreams come true. Even though dreams can change, good habits become a part of who we are as soon as we decide to let them.

Example: You can dream of dancing like Rudolf Nureyev. A rare human can reach that as a goal. But whenever we want we can feel like we’re moving like him. Have habits of grace and power. What a great feeling!


In response to AccidentalNote’s post:
Totally agree!! Though when I’m working on a goal, I heat it up with the belief that it is leading me to to minds eye-or place in my spirit’s destination. If it doesn’t, all that I did to get there is still always valued, and transferable elsewhere.


~~~~~~~~~~~~ will be removing these soon & possibly adding to this thread/sorry about these temporary 'notes'




Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

I’m with you.

It’s that love/hate thing about progress. We want progress, but we want to be happy where we are.

So I guess if I’m to be held accountable, I want to be accountable for my actions and thoughts. Hopefully those actions and thoughts are the best of me, and I’m trying to make progress reducing the worst of me.

I’m thankful for bmindful too. I love the daily reminders of what I’m working on and really I’m noticing a change!

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