You’re wiser for it.

Pep Talk: You’ve had adventures no one else has. You’re living an exciting life and you’re learning a lot everyday. The experiences you’ve had have shaped you into a unique, wise person and you bring that unique wisdom to your daily life.

Today remind yourself: I’m wiser for it

Give the hell

Give the hell
(via pinterest -

It is a fact that you are fantastic.

Pep talk: You’re fantastic. No, it’s not open for debate. You’re hilarious and you’re thoughtful and you’re cute as a friggin button. You might as well come around to my point of view, because I have the truth on my side. Believe it. Today remind yourself: It is a fact that I am fantastic.

Follow your heart.

Follow your heart.

You accept that you’re human.

Pep talk: We’re human. Humans do a lot of things that aren’t necessarily great. We lie. We injure. We behave carelessly. It’s to be expected. A life will contain good and bad acts, and over the course of your life you may have done some really shady shit. We all have. It’s not good, but it’s life. Let’s aim for more good, less lies, and less pain; and as long as we do that going forward, we should forgive ourselves for our normal human faults. 

 Today remind yourself: I accept that I’m human.